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Full List of Republicans Signing Letter for Harris but Not Biden

A number of ex-Republican officials have endorsed Kamala Harris having not endorsed Joe Biden.
In a letter to the public, over 100 ex-Republican members of congress and national security officials from the Reagan, H.W. Bush, W. Bush and Trump administrations argued that while they might “disagree with Kamala Harris” on many issues, Trump had demonstrated “dangerous qualities,” such as having an “unusual affinity” for dictators like President Vladimir Putin of Russia and “contempt for the norms of decent, ethical and lawful behavior.”
“We believe that the President of the United States must be a principled, serious, and steady leader who can advance and defend American security and values, strengthen our alliances, and protect our democracy,” the letter reads. “We expect to disagree with Kamala Harris on many domestic and foreign policy issues, but we believe that she possesses the essential qualities to serve as President and Donald Trump does not. We therefore support her election to be President.
“We firmly oppose the election of Donald Trump. As President, he promoted daily chaos in government, praised our enemies and undermined our allies, politicized the military and disparaged our veterans, prioritized his personal interest above American interests, and betrayed our values, democracy, and this country’s founding documents.”
The letter also condemned Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021.
“By inciting the violent attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and defending those who committed it, he has violated his oath of office and brought danger to our country,” the letter says, before quoting Trump’s own former vice president, Mike Pence, who has said that “anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.”
They went on to say that Harris “has demonstrated a commitment to upholding the ideals that define our nation β€” freedom, democracy, and rule of law,” adding that Trump is “unfit to serve again as President, or indeed in any office of public trust.”
Newsweek has contacted the Trump and Harris campaigns for comment via email.
Among the 111 signatories were former defense secretaries Chuck Hagel and William S. Cohen; Robert B. Zoellick, former World Bank president; ex-CIA directors Michael V. Hayden and William H. Webster; former director of national intelligence John D. Negroponte; and former Massachusetts Governor William F. Weld. Two former Trump administration officials, Miles Taylor and Olivia Troye, also signed the letter.
Troye spoke at the Democratic National Convention this year in Chicago. Former GOP Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who signed the letter, also spoke at the DNC.
The letter came after former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter, former Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, both said over the weekend that they would vote for Harris in November. Former Republican Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez has also endorsed Harris. Mike Pence has said he will not endorse Trump but has not endorsed Harris.
Earlier this month, the GOP group put out another letter signed by more than 200 Republicans who said another four years under Trump would “hurt real, everyday people and weaken our sacred institutions.”
In 2020, the Republican group National Security Leaders for Biden issued a letter backing Joe Biden. That letter was signed by nearly 300 former national security officials.
However, many people who signed the latest letter were not involved in that earlier endorsement.
Below is the complete list of the current signatories who did not endorse Biden:
Kenneth Adelman – Former Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Reagan administration
Dr. Carol C. Adelman – Former Assistant Administrator, United States Agency for International Development, Reagan administration
Major General John Barry – USAF (Ret.), Former Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
Richard C. Barth – Former Assistant Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, George W. Bush administration
Christopher Barton – Former Director, National Security Council Staff
John Bellinger – Former Legal Adviser, National Security Council , George W. Bush administration
Admiral Kenneth Bernard – Former Special Assistant to the President, George W. Bush administration
Mark E. Bitterman – Former Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, George H.W. Bush administration
William Bodie – Former Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, George W. Bush administration
Christian M.L. Bonat – Former Deputy General Counsel, Dept. of Defense, George W. Bush administration and Obama administration
Richard Boucher – Former Assistant Secretary of State, George W. Bush administration
Charles W. Boustany Jr. – Former Member of Congress, Louisiana
Charles R. Bowers – Former U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia, George H.W. Bush administration
Greg Brower – Former Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Obama and Trump administrations
Christopher Buckley – Former Chief Speechwriter, Office of Vice President George H.W. Bush
Richard Burt – Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Reagan administration
Gahl Hodges Burt – Former Assistant to the Secretary of State, Reagan administration
Rear Admiral Fred Byus – U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Jack C. Chow – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, George W. Bush administration
James W. Cicconi – Former Assistant to the President & Deputy to the Chief of Staff, The White House, George H. W. Bush administration
Peggy Cifrino – Former Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, George W. Bush administration
Eliot A. Cohen – Former Counselor of the Dept. of State, George W. Bush administration
Benedict S. Cohen – Former General Counsel, Dept. of the Army, George W. Bush administration
Barbara Comstock – Former Member of Congress, Virginia
Chester A. Crocker – Former Assistant Secretary of State, Reagan administration
Patrick M. Cronin – Former Assistant Administrator, United States Agency for International Development, George W. Bush administration
Stephen W. DeVine – Former Deputy Legal Advisor, National Security Council, George W. Bush administration
Charles Djou – Former Member of Congress, Hawaii
Michael Donley – Former Secretary of the Air Force, George W. Bush administration and Obama administration
Raymond F. DuBois – Former Acting Under Secretary of the Army, George W. Bush administration
Lewis A. Dunn – Former Assistant Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Reagan administration
Mickey Edwards – Former Member of Congress, Oklahoma
Jendayi E. Frazer – Former Ambassador to South Africa and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, George W. Bush Administration
Aaron L. Friedberg – Former Deputy Assistant to the Vice President, George W. Bush administration
William Gaches – Former Director of Counterterrorism, National Security Agency, George W. Bush administration
Janice Gardner – Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, George W. Bush administration
Stuart M. Gerson – Former Acting Attorney General of the United States, George W. Bush administration
James K. Glassman – Former Under Secretary of State, George W. Bush administration
Jon D. Glassman – Former Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President and Ambassador to Paraguay, George H.W. Bush administration
David Gordon – Former Director, State Dept, Policy Planning, George W. Bush administration
Christopher Hankin – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Clinton administrations
Mark Harvey – Former Special Assistant to the President, Trump administration
Carla Hills – Former U.S. Trade Representative, George H.W Bush administration
Seth Hurwitz – Former Counsel, President’s Intelligence Oversight Board , George H.W. Bush administration
Peter Keisler – Former Acting Attorney General of the United States, George W. Bush administration
James A. Kelly – Former Assistant Secretary of State, George W. Bush administration
Adam Kinzinger – Former Member of Congress, Illinois
Sofia Kinzinger – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump administration
James R. Kunder – Former Deputy Administrator, United States Agency for International Development, George W. Bush administration
Brigadier General George Landis, USA, Ret. – Former commander, United States Personnel Information Systems Command
Frank Lavin – Former Ambassador to Singapore and former Under Secretary of Commerce, George W. Bush administration
Peter Lichtenbaum – Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce, George W. Bush administration
Winston Lord – Former U.S. Ambassador to China, Reagan and George H.W. Bush administration
Steven R. Mann – Former Ambassador to Turkmenistan and Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Dept., Clinton and George W. Bush administrations
Colonel John W. McDonald – Former Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
P. Michael McKinley – Former Ambassador to Peru and Acting Ambassador to the European Union and Mozambique, George W. Bush administration; Former Ambassador to Peru, Colombia, Afghanistan, and Brazil, Obama administration
Dan Miller – Former Member of Congress, Florida
John M. Mitnick – Former General Counsel, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump administration
Allen Moore – Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Reagan administration
Alberto Mora – Former General Counsel , U.S. Information Agency, George H.W. Bush administration; Former General Counsel, Dept. of the Navy, George W. Bush administration
Kenneth Mortensen – Former Associate Deputy Attorney General, George W. Bush administration
John D. Negroponte – Former Director of National Intelligence and Former Deputy Secretary of State, George W. Bush administration
Elizabeth Neumann – Former Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, Trump administration
Bill Paxon – Former Member of Congress, New York
William R Piekney – Former CIA Chief of Station, Reagan administration
Daniel M. Price – Former Deputy National Security Advisor, George W. Bush administration
Alan Charles Raul – Former Vice Chairman, White House Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, George W. Bush administration
Victor Reis – Former Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, George H.W. Bush administration
Robert Annan Riley – Former Ambassador to Micronesia, Trump administration
Paul Rosenzweig – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, George W. Bush administration
Charles O. Rossotti – Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense; Former Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Clinton and George W. Bush administrations
Nicholas Rostow – Former National Security Council Legal Adviser, Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations
Kori Schake – Former Deputy Director of Policy Planning, State Dept., George W. Bush administration
Dr. Wayne A. Schroeder – Former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush administration
Gregory L. Schulte – Former Senior Director, National Security Council Staff and Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, George W. Bush administration
Robert Shanks – Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Reagan administration
Christopher Shays – Former Member of Congress, Connecticut
John Simon – Former Senior Director, National Security Council Staff and Ambassador to the African Union, George W. Bush administration
Stephen Slick – Former Senior Director, National Security Council Staff, George W. Bush administration
Mark C. Storella – Former U.S. Ambassador to Zambia, Obama administration
William H. Taft IV – Former Deputy Secretary of Defense and Ambassador to NATO, George W. Bush administration
Miles Taylor – Former Chief of Staff, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump administration
Larry D. Thompson – Former Deputy Attorney General, George W. Bush administration
Jack Thomas Tomarchio – Former Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Homeland Security, George W. Bush administration
Olivia Troye – Former Special Advisor to the Vice President, Trump administration
Robert Tuttle – Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom , George W. Bush administration
John K. Veroneau – Former Deputy U.S. Trade Representative and Former Assistant Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush and Clinton administrations
Colonel Terry Virts, USAF (Ret.) – Former NASA Astronaut, Former Commander of the International Space Station
Dr. Thomas G. Ward, Jr. – Former Director of Threats, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, Reagan and Clinton administrations
Matthew C. Waxman – Former Principal Deputy Director, State Dept Policy Planning, George W. Bush administration
William F. Weld – Former Assistant Attorney General , Criminal Division, Reagan administration
J. Robinson West – Former Assistant Secretary of Interior, Reagan administration
Wendell L. Willkie II – Former General Counsel, Dept. of Commerce, George H.W. Bush administration
Robert B. Zoellick – Former Deputy Secretary of State and U.S. Trade Representative, George W. Bush administration; White House Deputy Chief of Staff, George H.W. Bush administration
